

What is the size of your database and how often it is cleansed & updated?

Our database consists of over 10 million B2B contacts from 4 million unique companies and over 8 million records with email addresses. This gives us the greatest potential to successfully match missing addresses to contact records in your file. Our master file is updated once in every six months i.e. twice a year and this gives us confident to promise our clients that we can deliver them most updated and clean data in the market.

What are your data sources?

Compiled from telephone directories yellow pages and business white pages, annual business reports, government directories and reports, financial and company publications.

Cost per lead or contact?

Depends on volume, fields, list criteria, etc

Can we make custom list?

Yes, you can by narrowing the list based on revenue, employee size, business type, regions, etc also by SIC and NAICS codes.

Does the contact(s) include email?

Yes, all contacts come to you with EMAILS.

Are the lists that opt in?

Yes, permission based lists. Customer have opted in to receive third party emails with offers, any new product release, newsletters, etc and these are only single op-in emails and not double opt-in emails.

Do you offer discounted bundled rates or volume rates?


Are you in the lead generation business or you a broker to this list?

We are list owners and not brokers.

Do you guarantee against bounce back and what are your replacement/refund policies?

Yes, 75% on emails and 90% on data fields.

Contact Us

Send us an email one of our List Specialists to discuss your specific requirements as well as counts and pricing or can