
Consumer Lists

Residential mailing lists and consumer sales leads from DataStormers generate sales leads for Email Marketing and Direct marketing to residential consumers. Today’s consumers are bombarded with advertising messages – so many that they seem to view it all as intrusive. But studies show that consumers are still responding to offers that are relevant to their individual needs and wants.

Proper use of the many consumer mailing list selections is the key to your marketing success. Consumer mailing lists are most challenging because there are more than 300 million+ individuals with hundreds of bits of information.

So together our goal is to utilize the available selections to create a residential mailing list that is most relevant to the individual who receives your offer. Utilize the elements of: age, income, homeowner, presence of children, mail responder and many more to appeal to your prospects’ needs, attitudes and attributes.

Studies show that timing is one of the most influential factors in buying decisions. Our Life Event lists, such as New Births, New Homeowners and New Movers, are key to increased response for so many products. Our Hobby and Interest lists give you the ability to appeal to the consumer’s preferences and desires.

And of course, all residential lists are updated monthly, checked against the National Change of Address (NCOA) file and CASS certified for address verification.

You will find our pricing extremely competitive due to our volume and relationships with the major compilers.